Islamic Studies

Our Islamic Studies Department at Al-Ghazaly High School is headed by Sheikh Mohammad Alhayek. He is a New Jersey State Certified & Licensed Teacher with Masters & Bachelors degrees in Islamic Studies from the University of Jordan.
He has worked diligently over the past 20 years to develop a world-class Islamic Studies curriculum especially focused on preparing our children to become God-conscious young Muslims ready to face the challenges of life in America as a religious minority.
Below is but a snap-shot our intensive Islamic Studies curriculum.
Al-Ghazaly Curriculum
7th Grade.
We start by laying the foundations and pillars for our faith including Principles of Tawheed and Belief in the Unseen (Ghaib).
We then solidify it by exploring the amazing miracles & stories of our Prophets, namely Prophet Musa & Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Then we delve into the Al-Quran Al-Kareem by helping establish a deep and lifelong connection between the student and the Book of Allah.
Finally we introduce simple Ahadeeth so our student understand basic’s of Prophet’s narrarations and the spectrum through which we understand the Quran.
8th Grade
This year we begin to dig deeper into the concepts of our beliefs including the world of Angels & Al-Qada’ wal Qadar.
Next we elucidate the fruits of faith including Wisdom via Quranic stories such as Prophet Suleyman & Luqman.
Then we begin to explore the Meccan era of the Prophetic Seerah and extract useful lessons for our students to implement in their lives.
Finally we introduce Fiqh of Ibadat (Fasting, Prayer, Etc.) so our students understand basic rules of worshiping.
“Indeed, among His servants, it is but the learned who fear Allah” (35:28)
9th Grade.
We start the year by re-invigorating the student’s relationship with Allah by learning His names & attributes. We encourage them as they enter high school to start taking ownership of their relationship with their creator.
Next we explore the stories of Prophets Zakariya, Yahya, the Messiah and his mother Maryam. We infuse these stories so they can better understanding Christianity as they prepare for life in America.
Moreover, this year we dig into the Seerah of the Prophet with specific emphasis on the Medina period and extract lessons necessary and helpful for life as Muslims.
10th Grade
As the student’s minds grow and develop, so do their questions, concerns and doubts about our faith. This year we begin to address and discuss these modern doubts about Islam. This phase is extremely vital in the relgious and spiritual development of a teenager. If not answered properly and wholesomely, these doubts may linger for many years and cause
We further continue their regular instructions by re-exploring the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic rulings as well as how to differentiate Halal & Haram.
Read, O Prophet, in the Name of your Lord Who created; humans from a clinging clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who taught by the pen, taught humanity what they knew not. (96:1-5)
11th Grade.
Now with a strong and stable foundation, we focus this year on strengthening the student’s love and understanding of our faith. We believe
Next we encourage our students openly ask questions about their doubt and misconceptions of our faith. This type of student-led dialogue gives the student’s impetus to explore their faith individually under the guidance of a Sheikh while supporting their intellectual & spiritual curiosity.
12th Grade
As the student now prepare for life as adults and outside of the well-controlled confines of Islamic school, we encourage our seniors to attend the yearly Umrah trip to invigorate their love for our faith and connection with Allah (swt).
In terms of instructions, we present the major modern theological and philosophical issues the will face in day-to-day life. We believe this will give the students the tools and confidence to defend Islam as they embark on their journey to college.
The IEF schools are affiliated with MANARA Islamic College to offer accredited college-level Islamic classes and access to top Muslim scholars.
Daily Quran classes.
Memorizing and understanding the Quran is a vital part of our mission statement.
Intensive Hifth Program.
We offer a dedicated Hifth program (Quran memorization) for capable student starting at the elementary level in conjunction with their current curriculum. Make sure to inquire at our front office.
Khutbah Workshops.
The IEF believes in preparing our students for their lives as young American Muslims with all the challenges that encompasses. This includes workshops on how to perform Khutbahs and conduct their own study circles so that they can give back to the community.