IEF Schools At-a-Glance

700+ Students.
We are the largest Islamic School system in NJ.
92 Faculty & Staff.
We are proud to employ the most dedicated Muslim educators who are passionate about Islamic education and seek to produce the most inspired students.
8.0-1 Student-to-Teacher ratio.
With a low student-to-teacher ratio, students receive individualized support and ample opportunities for meaningful interactions with their teachers.
40+ Years in service
The IEF has been educating NJ Muslims for over 4 decades.
Al-Ghazaly & Al-Hikmah Schools are accredited by COGNIA with an exceptional score of 352*.
*This is among the top scores in country & far surpassing national average score of 283
100% Graduation rate.
We pride ourselves on our superior academic track record and guidance counseling to help our students matriculate into America’s best colleges.
1500+ High School Graduates.
Since its inception in 1984, Al-Ghazaly High School has graduated over 1500 students, more than any other Islamic school in NJ.
>90% Scholarship Rate.
With increasing cost of college, we help our students apply for and obtain various scholarships and other financial resources.
>$2,150,000 in Scholarships.
Our 2023 graduating class generated over $2 million in scholarships.
The IEF schools are affiliated with MANARA Islamic College to offer accredited college-level Islamic classes and access to top Muslim scholars.
Daily Quran classes.
Memorizing and understanding the Quran is a vital part of our mission statement.
Intensive Hifth Program.
We offer a dedicated Hifth program (Quran memorization) for capable student starting at the elementary level in conjunction with their current curriculum. Make sure to inquire at our front office.
Khutbah Workshops.
The IEF believes in preparing our students for their lives as young American Muslims with all the challenges that encompasses. This includes workshops on how to perform Khutbahs and hold study circles so that they can give back to the community.
IEF Schools are members of
College Board & Council of Islamic Schools in North America
Al-Hikmah Elementary & Al-Ghazaly High School are located on 2 separate campuses.
· This increases ALL student’s opportunity to participate in all aspects of school life.
· It keeps the age groups separate and provide students with an opportunity for individualized growth.
· Students will then develop according to their age-appropriate academical and social environments.